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Defence Colony

Traffic Issues Mushrooming Again in Def Col:

The poor planning of traffic movement in Def col is now resulting in daily harassment for the residents who are facing the heat in the morning as well evening!! Entering into Def col in the evening is a big challenge for all the vehicle owners who feel as if they are entering other colony.

• As usual, there are hundreds of commercial vehicles going out in the evening after their “office hours” and then we also have our own residents who after their hectic day come into the colony. The result is simple…Traffic Jam all the way!! Both sides lock horns as there is no one to monitor or guide the traffic. Sometimes it takes more than an hour to enter the colony after heated arguments between insiders and outsiders.

• There is no exclusive gate(s) for the colony residents to enter the colony and all are treated same which is the main reason for these traffic snarls. Last few teams tried to manage the traffic but after 1-2 days of initial Josh, the situation becomes from bad to worse due to poor communication and frequent changes.

• As done by other colonies, the manned gates with one way traffic is the only way to move the traffic at all times smoothly

• The direction boards at all the prominent exit and entry points will save the confusions and time for the vehicle to enter or exit.

• The Car stickers issued by the RWA’s will identify colony cars for faster entry at the gates.

• The residents need to be guided to minimise the use of vehicles within the colony to visit market, parks, clubs etc. This will reduce 30-40% vehicles as many uses them for shorter distances.

Lastly, It’s high time when all residents start paying the RWA charges so that they may provide 24/7 security with manned gates.

by Ajay Kumar (A-440, 9999055994)
