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Sector 15A Noida

Traffic Diversion From Mayur Vihar

The traffic diversion from Mayur Vihar Delhi to Sector 14 Noida to enter 15A on the Dadri Expressway seems to have failed miserably and residents ask for the justification for this tortuous chaos. The move by the traffic police has raised more questions rather than offering an immediate and even short-term relief for the commuters!

The decision (perhaps well-intentioned) surely defies all logic and in fact has added to the misery and discomfort of 15A residents, already in agony with the humongous task of entering or existing from the Sector for the last few years! The move seems to have created more bottlenecks at the Chilla point left turn at 14A, U-Turn at red/green lights near Oil India building thus creating more traffic jams, delays and confusion! Wish some inputs have been taken by the traffic police in consultations with our RWA and of course the invaluable expertise of some very senior police officers – retired or working – residing in our Sector. The Chilla elevated flyover is a distant and wishful dream still several years away and the police authorities must be approached at the RWA level for immediate action and some relief to our residents.
