The issue of underage driving and speeding was brought to light once more in Pune, Maharashtra, following a fatal vehicle accident that left the victims’ family distraught and the community in shock. The incident has sparked a heated debate and attracted widespread media coverage over accountability, as the parents of the deceased demand stringent punishment for both the accused teenage driver and his parents. The case also led to debates on the juvenile justice board’s leniency and the significant efforts the accused family made to protect their child.
Many lives are lost due to underage drivers going for a drive around in their vehicles. On metropolitan roadways, teenage drivers are particularly noticeable. Due to their omnipotence and belief in a fast-paced, fun-filled existence, today’s teenagers frequently drive powerful cars in an unruly manner. The always seem to be racing against the clock to make deadlines, fully unaware that this puts them at risk for accidents. Encouraging their minor children to drive puts them and the whole public in danger. Compared to more mature drivers, teen drivers do not have as much context for the seriousness of their actions. Teen drivers can be risky for a variety of reasons, one of them being that their capacity for making decisions is still developing. Teen drivers are therefore more inclined to act dangerously, irresponsibly, and aggressively when driving. Even when teenagers receive sufficient education before getting their driver’s licenses, they may not fully understand how dangerous their actions can be.
Keeping in mind the shocking statistics, it becomes imperative to introduce learning road safety measures. They must be taught good driving skills along with a tolerant traffic attitude. They must be shown the differences between good driving models and bad driving models. They must be taught that driving on roads is not fun or child’s play. One must be prepared and trained to go on roads. The traffic police must also be more vigilant. Strict action must be taken against those minors and their parents who break the law.
Here one more point arises, why do wealthy parents give their children expensive cars, and gifts and allow their children to spend money without limits? Sources say, they think they can afford it then why not fulfill their desires? Some parents see it as teaching their kids to always need the finer things in life and they become accustomed to having expensive things in their life. Some wealthy parents have demanding careers and commitments that leave them with limited time so they spend money to overcome their guilt of not spending quality time with them. They use money as a way to express their love and compassion. Some parents may fear that if they set limits on their children will lead to disappointment and resentment from their children. Some rich parents may have pressure to display their wealth and encourage their children to spend openly to maintain their social standing.
However, not all wealthy individuals follow this approach but we as parents must prioritize teaching our children about financial responsibility, the value of money, and the importance of earning and managing finance.
Our world’s future lies with teenagers. They are the leaders, intellectuals, and creatives of the future who will determine the course of our civilization. At an early age, appropriate and constructive efforts should be made to prevent teenagers from being spoiled.
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