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Sector 26 Noida

Thieves steal silencer from Kailash Hospital ambulance parked across the road

It seems that the brazenness of thieves has increased. As per a news report, a silencer of a Kailash Hospital ambulance that was parked across the hospital was stolen. As per In- spector DP Shukla, In charge Sector 20 Noida police station, Kailash Hospital security officer Ram Mehr complained that unknown mis- creants stole the silencer from the ambulance, which was parked opposite the hospital at A- 49 Sector 26. The theft came to light when the driver tried to start the vehicle. The sta- tion in charge mentioned that a report of the incident has been registered and the police are investigating the case. Residents who stay on the main roads of the sector and park their vehicles on the road are advised to ramp up security measures.
