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“They Can Be Seen Donning White T-Shirts & Caps To Match” – The Malibu Town Fun Club
Malibu Towne

“They Can Be Seen Donning White T-Shirts & Caps To Match” – The Malibu Town Fun Club

Fun Club of Malibu Towne is a group of Malibu residents who have grouped to shed boredom and embrace enjoyment. I have watched this Fun loving group of men from close quarters. They can be seen donning White T-Shirts with the Fun Club logo, Caps to match. Spot them walking on Malibu roads in the morning, to assemble at Pine Drive Park around half past seven. Here they merrily joke around with each other while discussing a variety of subjects.

Can be seen playing cricket at PD Park on Sundays. Sometimes they organise poolside parties and excursions. 

It is a pleasure to see that almost all are physically fit. From their friendly talks as I overhear while practicing Yoga, one can gather that most of them are either foodies or at least talk about tasty snacks and sources of availability of the choicest cuisine.

 With their digs and jibes at each other, they wear enviable smiles and at times burst into laughter. This happy group includes adults and senior citizens — all young in spirit. Short nicknames identified from their earshot conversations are Neta ji, Pradhan ji Mantri ji, et al.

Verily they are a happy lot and make Malibuites happy with their greetings and helpful suggestions, here and there.

Quoting Leigh Hunt in his poem ‘Abou Ben Adhem’ — May Their Tribe Increase! 

1 Comment

  1. rajneesh tyagi

    Very well worded. Keep up the spirit Sir
