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The Zumba Lady Of Ridgewood

The Zumba Lady Of Ridgewood

If you’re walking in Ridgewood you would often come across a group of women, full of energy, exercising Zumba near the lawns in Ridgewood. The group is led by Nabonita Ghatak (C -143), a resident of Ridgewood who is a professional and certified trainer. 

Let’s hear the story from Nabonita Ghatak herself:
I have been into dancing, singing, as well as sports since early childhood and throughout my school and college days. I became a mother in 2004 and pregnancy, naturally, led to a lot of weight gain. Post-pregnancy, I tried walking and running to lose the extra weight but got bored easily and my fitness regime did not take off.

 The turning point came in the year 2007 when, during a stroll to the neighbourhood grocery shop, I heard peppy music and saw some ladies grooving to it. Upon closer scrutiny, I found that they were doing Aerobics, under Tanuja Sodhi (who went on to become my mentor). I immediately signed up for her classes, and there has been no looking back. I took to aerobics like a duck takes to water. In a very short period, Tanuja started assigning some of her classes to me, during her absence. In 2008 I moved to Muscat, Oman, and joined a gym, winning praise from the gym instructor.

 Upon returning to Ridgewood in 2010, I decided to turn my passion for fitness into a profession. I obtained certification from Reebok as a fitness trainer and immediately started my own aerobics classes. In 2015, I moved to Mumbai and did my Zumba Certification. While in Mumbai I went on to train around 150 ladies. I moved back to Gurgaon in 2018 and I and my old students were delighted to be reunited with each other. 

Engaging yourself in at least one hobby is a key to happiness – something that you always look forward to. For me, its badminton – I try to play every day. On badminton, however, nothing gives me greater bragging point “I have played badminton with MS Dhoni, we were the XD team”.

by Capt Jainendra Pant (1-B-042, 9717971871)
