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The Whatsapp Etiquette

In today’s modern times we are all a part of a cultured and civilised society and are expected to do certain things and follow certain norms in order to be deemed fit for the society.

Here we come to the point of etiquettes. Etiquette has become an integral part of our life in whatever we do. And since childhood have been taught to do so. While eating, we follow table etiquette, when on the road we follow road etiquette or in most cases don’t follow it but that’s another story. So coming back to etiquette, most of the time these etiquettes are written and well documented for people to follow but sometimes there are unwritten rules which we are expected to follow. One such set of unwritten rules is the whatsapp etiquette. You may say that there is no such thing as whatsapp etiquette but in reality if followed these rules can make your whatsapp experience a pleasant breeze rather than an unpleasant storm. So what are these rules you may ask? Well as I said these are not written but based on my personal experiences some of these basic rules or etiquette can be summed up as follows.

  • These days’ people are so quick to believe every single message they receive on Whatsapp and spread it. It’s so important to verify whatever message you are about to spread. Don’t be part of the vicious cycle that continues to spread false information
  • If you’re in a group please stick to the purpose of the group. Please do not start spreading funny videos, good morning messages, and random viral messages.
  • If your group does permit posting viral messages please be careful not to repeat the messages that have been posted earlier. Trust me they can be very annoying for the participants.
  • It’s called a group for a reason. Last thing you want to do is have a singular conversation with one person in that group. If that’s what you’re doing, take it outside the group and do a 1-to-1 chat
  • Please keep in mind the time when posting messages. For example Posts on groups should be limited to 6 am to 10 pm only. Many people keep their handsets near the bed, to check the time or for alarms. If the phone pings then, sleep is disturbed. 

Although the list can be very long, for now  we can at least follow these basic points. 
