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The Unswept Lanes And Backlanes Of Green Park Extension
Green Park Main & Ext.

The Unswept Lanes And Backlanes Of Green Park Extension

The MCD sanitation department seems to have gone into deep slumber as far as the lanes and backlanes of Green Park Extension colony are concerned. Lack of street sweeping  is now a regular practice in most of the lanes of the colony.  Till midday the lanes remain unclean, unswept  and the places where they are sweeping, the garbage is collected in heaps and left for days together.

Another sour point with the residents is the sweeping of all dead leaves and garbage under the parked cars. All the MCD karamchari have brooms attached to long bamboo sticks which can easily swipe under the cars.  However none of them make even a simple effort of cleaning even around the tyres. In many places across the colony, the rerhis belonging to the Safai karamchari are parked haphazardly with loads of waste collecting in them, rotting away for days together.

Complaining to the Sanitation Inspector also does not work. My complaints on Mohalla Sabha along with pictures have resulted in the Safai karmchari taking umbrage and resorting to leaving piles of garbage and leaves outside my garage. Repeated complaints have left repeated piling of dirt, leaves and even garbage outside my house.

The next step would be going to the DC with a complaint letter against the Safai karmchari as well as the Sanitary Inspector for failing to perform their duties. I am hopeful of getting a proper hearing and for the issue to get resolved at the earliest.
