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The Risky Trunk

The Risky Trunk

The late spell of monsoon in September brought heavy rains and bit of chaos and trouble for the residents. 

Due to continuous and substantial rainfall, a fully grown tree fell down in the N1 lane causing an electrical fault, due to which the electricity was cut for a few hours.  The concerned authorities cut the tree, cleaned up all the mess, restored back the electricity, and left. 

But the tree has been cut in such a way that its half trunk is on the road itself. The trunk is so hazardous that anyone can bump into it at night. With winter approaching, the trunk’s visibility could be less on foggy mornings and could cause major accidents. 

The concerned authorities should look into it and get it fully removed. This is a very dangerous situation and quick action is required. 

In similar news, a huge tree had fallen on Dakshin Marg. The road was blocked and it took over two hours to get it cleared. Fortunately, no one was hurt but Arjun Batra a resident clearly had a major save out. His car was totally damaged by this fall and luckily the driver came out unscathed. 

The possible reason could be that when trees are not properly trimmed and it ends up becoming too heavy. Trimming is required to maintain balanced growth, keeping the height low, and branches to be allowed to grow evenly across. If a tree grows near the wall, branches may grow only on one side; leading to the one-sided heavy weight falling down.

In another incident, a tree opposite K-3/59 fell on the balcony of Mr. Rajgarhia’s house on 28th August causing significant damage to the property. It also led to the breaking of an electric pole and wires. 

We need more support from DLF horticulture teams to address the trimming of trees where it can be a risk to the residents or commuters on the roads.
