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The Power Of Play Way Learning
Greater Kailash 2

The Power Of Play Way Learning

Underprivileged children being taught by colony volunteers

Childhood shapes a person’s future, and early learning experiences leave lasting impressions. Children are like pottery in the making. They will take whatever shape we try to give them with our efforts and involvement.

There is a lot of construction happening in the colony these days that brings along with it the migrant labourers and their families. Their children don’t go to any regular schools for formal education. Some of these children were going to Arya Samaj Mandir school for a brief period. Most of their time they were idling in the Tikona park as their parents were at work.

Volunteers like us were invited to become attached to a mission, initiated by a couple of women attached to the betterment of this park. The main aim of the pilot project was to help them utilize one hour daily in useful creative activities that could become a way of imbibing good habits on health and hygiene, mannerism, values and ways of social interactions that could impact their lives. This was also supplemented with introduction to basic literacy.

Our volunteer team introduced the Play Way Method to engage these children aged between 4 to 14. With short attention spans, diverse age groups and therefore varying IQ levels, we experimented with creative methods—teaching alphabets using display charts, Origami, storytelling, drawing, and even yoga.

Children eagerly await these sessions every day.  The transformation is evident from how children greet politely, respect their learning space, and express their thoughts creatively. They make an effort to be better groomed and maintain cleanliness. The impact has been remarkable! Together we can help these kids rise and shine. Since the entire project is being run by volunteers, we would be glad to have more people stepping forward and joining hands in taking this ahead. You may witness the sessions live in progress from 12.30pm to 1.30pm, under the new rain shelter, at the Tikona Park GK2.
