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The PIL Man
Panchshila Park

The PIL Man

r Ashwini Uppadyay,- a senior supreme court advocate, fondly referred to as the PIL Man of India was invited by Group CHETNA for an interactive talk session on ‘Constitution and National
ism’ ,on 21st January, 2023 at the The Holiday Club, Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi.

Mr Upadhyay is working tirelessly for social and legal reforms in the country. He has filed more than 150 PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATIONS (PILs) to bring in changes in our social structure.

The event started with Shri Ganesh Vandana and a short welcome address by Sonia Sucheta Sood. A bouquet (by Stuti Kohli) and Holy Tulsi ( by Krishna Sood) was presented to him. Presntation of Pujniya Tulsi signified removal of negativities from the environment.His address to a HOUSE FULL gathering was quite enlightening .He talked about the inclusivity and equality that Sanatan Dharm has been propgating for yugas, where women were revered and put on a higher pedestal than men. Prabhu Shri Ram laid the foundation of ideal social and legal framework by setting an example himself. Uniform Civil Code, Uniform Education, Population Control which are the need of the hour today, were coined and practised in Prabhu Ram’s time.

He explained that the main reasons of disorder in the society are akarmanyta, corruption and zero accountability. Ram Rajya can be established if each member of the society vows to fullfill his/her duties sincerely.

The audience were very participative and the talk ended with an interesting Q&A session.The event concluded with a scintillating Kalari performance by Mr Sumesh’s team. The performance was followed by a high tea buffet.

The event was highly appreciated by all present.
