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The Gowshala Has Appointed a Person to Collect Vegetable Left-Overs Door-To-Door

The Gowshala Has Appointed a Person to Collect Vegetable Left-Overs Door-To-Door

Save a Cow

Abandoned on the streets to fend for themselves with no protection or food, we all see lots of cows roaming around us left like vagabonds by their owners after their milking process is over.

Many of these cows are from nearby villages and Aya Nagar. Residents feed them on the streets with leftovers winter vegetables and chappatis. They take gow mata’s blessings and move ahead without bothering about them. Do they ever spend a few minutes pondering about why these cattle are on the streets? Who let them out? Is there a shelter home for these strays? If they are out, where are their owners?? These are just a few of many more questions that should come to our mind while feeding them.

Once I tried to find out about their owners, connected with them and asked them that if they let them out to gaze, to make sure they are in proper grassy areas and not eating plastic or garbage.

The Gowshala in the nearby village cooperated, and we discussed appointing one person with a cart in our area who would collect door-to-door vegetable left-overs and drop them off at Gowshala. Thanks to our residents in A Block Extension who came together for the welfare of these stray cows.

Recently, when I was approached by a resident in G-Block that she saw a cow lying dead near a fence outside the area, I immediately connected with Gowshala, and within minutes they reached the spot. We could not save the cow since she was already dead, but we could save her body from being mauled by stray animals.

If you find an orphaned, injured, dead, or sick animal, call +91-9999099423 for help.
