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The Girl Power
Sushant Lok 1

The Girl Power

Another young achiever, Gudiya, a student of Lotus Petal Foundation School, Grade VIII, excels in academics, and dances and plays chess besides being a friend of Rashmi. Recently she played in The Inter School Tournament and won a few points. The common thread between Rashmi and Gudiya is Madam Juliet, who resides in Sushant Lok C block and tutors these children for free. 

She has taught them to accept failures gracefully and also that participating, in any event, is more important than winning it. Kudos to Juliet and her likes in the societies whose tireless efforts bring such gems out and about and make them a star. Meanwhile, our favourite Rashmi danced to a beautiful number, in her school event and is a chess player and a great storyteller too. Long way to go young India…
