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New Friends Colony

The Final Victory

The New Friends Club elections, were the hot topic of discussion, last month and the first week of august. The two contesting teams, put up the bestest of their armies, on the war front.

Brunches, dinners, breakfasts were organised, for meet and greet, get-togethers. Both the teams put forward, plans for the betterment of the club and make the club, more and more populated. Finally the “D-day”, arrived, the teams and their supporters were seen in the club on the 6th august, helping the members vote. There was a sumptuous and elaborate spread of lunch, for who ever came to the club, on that day. The dining area was alive with conversation and laughter.

The result came in the evening itself, a relief for the ones, waiting with abetted  breath! Team Anil Datta had a sweeping win, speaking for their diligence and hard work, in the last term.

Hopefully, Mr president and his team, will continue with their persistent efforts and make this club the most visited and happening club of the neighbourhood. 
