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The Club AGM Proved to Be a Wonderful Interaction with the Members
Sector 26 Noida

The Club AGM Proved to Be a Wonderful Interaction with the Members

The AGM of club which was postponed, as per Club Bye Laws, for lack of quorum on Sunday, 19 Nov 23, was held on Sunday the 26th Nov 23, in Aravalli Hall of Club 26, 11 AM onwards. This was followed by lunch for members with their spouses.

About 100 members attended the meeting. The AGM proved to be a wonderful interaction with the members in an extremely positive and useful manner.

President Khosla talked about all the achievements that club made in past years. The Golf cart, plumber and electrician services were among the most praised services provided by club to its members. The future plans were also discussed and among which was all weather pool, a 7-star kitchen, squash court and making of smart cards. (also see story on page 8)

Members present at the AGM said that they were very happy with the club and its management. Few positive suggestions also came from the attendees which president Khosla promised to implement.

On behalf of the entire club MC, Prez Khosla thanked all those members who took out time to attend and participate in the AGM proceedings. He promised them all that the team will continue to work diligently for the benefit of all the members and their families.
