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Panchshila Park


The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Panchshila Cooperative House Building Ltd was held on Sunday, 24th September 2023 at the Panchshila Club. The agenda for this annual meeting is primarily to consider and adopt the Audit Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the last Financial Year i.e., F.Y 2022-23, as audited by Statutory Auditors approved by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and also to consider the Annual report of the Society for 2022-23.

At 10.15 a.m. with about 70 Society members in attendance, the President, Mr. Rajesh Chopra called the meeting to order. Mr. Chopra first brought out the salient features of the Annual Report and financial results, with the help of well-organized and informative slides. It was good to learn that the consolidated income for F.Y 2022-23 had gone up and there was an overall cash profit.

After going through the financials, the President highlighted some of the important achievements during the tenure of this MC. Some of the initiatives included the Cleanliness drive in all the three blocks, the waste segregation program with the help of ITC’s CSR Division’s WOW program and cleaning of Rain Water Harvesting pits. Group Medical Insurance has been introduced, there has been timely compliance under GST (earning a Certificate of Appreciation), the Club has an Open Area License and the Frangipani Tavern has been opened.

After the resolution, some members expressed support for N Bock Montessori School and Vidya school in S Block. The matter waits to be addressed.

After this the letters from members were discussed and the President moved the Resolution for approving the Accounts. A total of 28 members voted in favor of the resolution, and 5 members voted against the resolution. Thereafter, the President thanked the members and declared the meeting closed, and requested the members to join him for tea.
