As Def col can now boast of having more than 200 practicing lawyers operating from the basements in all the blocks, the residents are feeling the heat of this mushrooming population.
What’s the issue faced by Residents?
• The Basements were created for storage of extra items of house or to enable the House owners to start their own practice as doctors etc to provide service to the residents.
• As the rentals are quite lucrative, most of these basements are now rented out to lawyers, property dealers, parlours, Gyms etc. Their clients are generally from other colonies, or outstation who visit in their vehicles, have long meetings during the day till late evening/night. As a result, the parking is blocked during the day remains so till late evening and the house owners generally keep waiting to park their cars in front of their houses. When they question the Lawyers, they hardly cooperate or threaten to file legal cases or issue notices. The helpless owners (senior citizens, old ladies) have no defence but to keep waiting for their turn to park the car. As the car thefts are most common in Def col, parking it away from the house generally result in loss of vehicles.
• There is no rule for parking outside the houses which is being used as an excuse to fight with the helpless residents who are not able to use their own parking places. These basement offices work late and the main gate remains open throughout the day, which is also resulting in thefts in the colony. You can’t ask them to vacate as most of them have already purchased these basements and are at par with any other owner.
How To Resolve This Issues?
• The owners must constraint themselves to not let out the basements to anyone. Please use it for storage etc or for any family get togethers.
• If already rented, please try to get it vacated as per the agreement so that in long term, you enjoy peace of mind
• Till your premises are vacated, try to discuss the issue of parking and request them to park the visitors’ vehicles away from your house, preferably near park etc.
Lastly, it is important to keep your house safe by keeping the main door closed for 24 hours to be opened only for visitors. The rent earned by you in not more than the mental satisfaction and peace you will get once your basement is vacated.
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