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Teej Celebration at Athena
Sector 75 Noida

Teej Celebration at Athena

The coming of the monsoon season after the hot and dry summers brought a fragrance of festivities, and the residents of Athena were eagerly awaiting the celebration. In association with Atreya Events, Athena Welfare Society celebrated the Teej Carnival on 7 August 2024. Although the event was originally planned to be held at Central Park, the monsoon rains disrupted the arrangements. However, the AWS didn’t let Atreya’s efforts go to waste and successfully relocated the event to the clubhouse.

The change in venue came as a relief, especially to all the women competing for the title of Teej Queen. The carnival featured a variety of stalls catering to all age groups, from food stalls to accessories and clothing stalls, which added to the festive atmosphere. Attendees enjoyed games, drawing, and dance competitions, which kept the spirit of the festival high.

The highlight of the event was the Teej Queen contest, where Anjali Brajesh was crowned as the winner. Despite the rain, the event symbolized the unity and togetherness of the society, which didn’t allow anything—even the weather—to overshadow the efforts made to celebrate Teej with joy and enthusiasm.
