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Anand Niketan

Team ANRWA Invites Dog Enthusiasts and Pet Owners

TEAM ANRWA extended a warm invitation to all dog enthusiasts and pet owners in tha colony to join them in a discussion aimed at enhancing the cleanliness of the community and collaboratively addressing the challenges related to pet exercise / walk and pet waste disposal.

Our initial step involved gathering all pet owners in a temporary group to assess the canine population in Anand Niketan. All pet owners were requested to join the Group. Subsequently, Team ANRWA envisioned working together with the pet owners to formulate a collective plan for a cleaner and more pet-friendly environment.

ANRWA looks forward to residents’ participation in this endeavor for the betterment of the community. A Group Link (Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: was forwarded to residents to join and register themselves.
