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Tanjerine – From Trees to MARMALADE
New Friends Colony

Tanjerine – From Trees to MARMALADE

Come February-March, and we see SPRING!! Trees, Flowers blooming in all different pretty and vibrant colours. People’s gardens are a treat for the eyes. Different gardens, different species of trees and flowers, different colours …… the expression “VOW” would actually be an understatement! Some residents’ gardens, kitchen gardens are place of residence to tangerine trees. They look so beautiful with the small little fruit hanging delicately. But then, if not put to use, the fruit falls when ripe and gets wasted. And what other better use, than to make home-made MARMALADE (pure ORGANIC) with just a few ingredients …. KEWL…isn’t it ? Well …. that is what some residents did……and the result……needn’t be specified in words. It was just delicious …. the adventurous residents (the ones who ventured on the journey of making the Marmalade) were thronged with orders (for FREE..of course !!) and for a tasting invite. The excitement was doubled when the tasting invite resulted in the visitor residents sending the plucked Tangerines from their respective gardens for the Marmalade maker to do the needful ….. and and and….the best part is that the Marmalade maker put a happy smile on all faces. Many calls were received by the magic maker, thanking them for the flavor and citrus scent, perfect to spread on toasted bread, along with some/lots of butter, or on rusks for breakfast and as a snack.

by Puja Jain (B-498 NFC) 9810627927: NFC RWA (Ashoka Park)
