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SWM Committee Aims To Reduce The Amount Of Mixed/Non-Recyclable Waste
Nirvana Country

SWM Committee Aims To Reduce The Amount Of Mixed/Non-Recyclable Waste

Nirvana Country has been a pioneer in promoting sustainability and responsible waste management practices among its residents. Through the active efforts of volunteers, supported by NRWA, we have been using the 2 bin 1 bag method of waste segregation and also had one of the oldest in situ composting plants. These initiatives are part of a broader effort to create an environmentally conscious community and reduce the environmental impact of waste.

Our comprehensive waste segregation program encourages residents to separate their waste into different categories: organic waste, recyclable waste, and non-recyclable waste. Organic waste, including kitchen scraps and garden waste, is collected separately, and after the closure of our in-house composting plant, it is now handled by an external agency, Balancing Bits. The compost produced is used for landscaping and gardening within the community, closing the loop on organic waste and reducing the need for chemical fertilisers.

Recyclable waste, such as paper, metal and glass is collected and recycled with support from local kabaadi wallas. This reduces the amount of waste going to landfills. The community has partnered with an NGO Garbage Free India for weekly recycling of plastic waste and with Namo E-Waste Management Limited for quarterly collection of e-waste. We also collect expired medicines every quarter to ensure safe disposal of these hazardous items.

Our committed housekeeping staff that collects the segregated waste from households in specially designed carts, play a key role in ensuring implementation of the segregation protocols. Also, the MCG sweepers have been incentivised to divert plastic waste thrown on the roadside towards our Thursday drives. Regular audits and feedback mechanisms are conducted to ensure compliance and to continuously improve the waste management process.

The current focus of the SWM committee is to reduce the amount of mixed/non- non-recyclable waste that leaves our premises by increasing awareness on minimising the use of disposables and proper segregation of food delivery waste that constitutes a large proportion of the mixed waste generated in our community. We hope through these comprehensive waste segregation initiatives, and the active support of residents, Nirvana Country Gurgaon will continue to lead the way for how residential communities can contribute to environmental sustainability and create a cleaner, greener living environment.
