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Swings in Vasant Enclave Are There But Not Erected Yet!
Vasant Vihar

Swings in Vasant Enclave Are There But Not Erected Yet!

by Dr.Rajiv Nayan (President Vasant Enclave RWA)

RWA Vasant Enclave battled the bureaucracy and other obstructions for getting swings installed in the park allotted for swings. The earlier ones were rusted and dysfunctional.

MCD was pursued for more than a year and finally through MLA’s intervention some swings were dispatched.

But the MCD in its own wisdom has ensured these are not put up yet.

Due to the bureaucracy and obstructive attitude of public servants, a much needed facility is being denied to the children.

It is indeed pathetic that MCD is playing around as public money is squandered.

We request the MCD to overcome its EGO and help in making residents’ life better.
