With spring stepping in vibrantly into our lives with its glory, we all want to open our hearts as well as the doors of our homes to embrace the magic of spring. Suncity is adorned with lovely flowers all across adding all the hues to the splendid season. This is when the Sun city residents are spring cleaning their homes, shrugging off the winter.
This regular spring cleaning that you engage in now and then can be a great way to serve Mother Nature by organizing your home, especially the wardrobe more sus-tainably. The wardrobes that were stuffed with woollens, jackets and loads of other winter wear, are now looking for a facelift. Using the critically acclaimed Konmarimethod, it would be a great idea to take out all that is there in your wardrobe and then see how you can organize it well.
You get myriad kinds of clothes in your very own wardrobe, that you thought you knew like the back of your hand.
You get clothes that are worn out or clothes requiring mending, clothes requiring dry cleaning, and all this while when the going is getting tough in between the piles of clothes, you discover priceless, beautiful clothes, you had bought, stashed in one corner of almirah, or something classy you have not worn for ages.
With these unattractive and callously spread piles of clothes, you could do a mix-and-match and surprise yourself with your creativity.
You can separate the ones that require a little darning and you would love to wear them.
The clothes requiring drycleaning come out fresh as brand-new stuff. Something that you do not want in your wardrobe can bring joy and warmth to the underprivileged. Some clothes can be repurposed and thus be put to use.
Some clothes require delicate washing and ironing.
By the time you get your wardrobe organized, you have immensely helped:
1. The environment by not having the urge to buy more clothes for yourself and your family because you can see you have more than enough. You will not buy now just for the sake of it thus reducing your usage of natural resources required to produce clothes, stopping mindless consumerism and being more mindful of what you want to buy is surely a favour done to Mother Earth.
2.The local tailor, darning and mending clothes, if you are getting it done by someone, it gives them more opportunity to earn and also gives you the satisfaction of reusing rather than just tossing it away.
3. Yourself, the entire act of decluttering removes the mental cobwebs and is a soothing experience that is worth the effort. A well-organized wardrobe saves your precious time as now you do not have to be on the lookout for things and enables you to save money. Money not spent on buying things you do not require is equal to money saved.
4. The underprivileged, by giving away what you do not need but is in good condition is a great way to declutter as well as help the needy.
Mindful choices in everyday life can take a step ahead in adopting a sustainable lifestyle that will go a long way in conserving the environment and saving resources for future generations.

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