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Sunday Funday!
Sector 104 Noida

Sunday Funday!

The weather had been surprisingly pleasant in April first week. The T11 ladies decided to make the most of the salubrious weather with a get-together. Summer party – done! Winter picnic – done! So, of course, it’d to be Spring Brunch!

Sunday, 2 April was chosen with a new coffee bar in Noida making for the venue. WA rounds were done encouraging ladies to dress up in their best to utilise the ‘Instagrammy’ vibes of the bar! The excitement was intense when we met.

For the first half of the gathering, we shovelled down food in our hungry stomachs. The food ranged from sushi to lasagne to pizza! For the second half, we lounged in the gazebo & conversed on topics ranging from funny anecdotes to practical tips on solo travel to serious discussions on child abuse & the still much – prevalent desire in Indian families for a male child!

There was a lot of photography involved in this get-together! It was a small gathering, but the amity was mammoth! All of us are usually neck deep in managing work or household or children or a combination of these; get-togethers like these become imperative to give our minds & bodies a break!

by Priya Parul (11254, 9999896168)
