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Summer Fiesta at Prateek Wisteria
Sector 77 Noida

Summer Fiesta at Prateek Wisteria

Members of senior children forum, Prateek Wisteria , enjoyed Summer Fiesta on 28 April. The event was organised at front club hall, where members gathered in large numbers even before the start of program.

The program started with recitation of Hanuman Chalisa by all the members followed by welcome address by the President of the forum and hot snacks and a cup of tea. President Shri Mathur also welcomed the new member  P. K. Srivastava with his wife. After enjoying the hot snacks members actively participated in the evergreen group songs. In between the songs  a few games such as tongue twister, Passing the Parcel, counting alternately in Hindi and English were also played. Female participants also enjoyed riddle in which all answers started with one alphabet.  V. B. Sood asked the riddle in which members were asked to complete the second line of a ‘sher’ first line of which was given. Audience thoroughly enjoyed the games and riddles as well as the solo and duet songs presented by the members.

After enjoying the sumptuous Lunch audience was treated to a Game of Tambola.

Program ended with a cup of hot tea and snacks followed by the vote of thanks by S. M. Bharadwaj.

Even though the program had officially ended but the best was yet to come. Before the final closing , members danced to the peppy music and songs as even after a long day of almost 06 hours they were as fresh as in the morning. They thoroughly proved the proverb that age is only a number as long as you are young at heart.
