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Student–Teacher Felicitation
Sector 50 A-E

Student–Teacher Felicitation

Sunshine Society celebrated its annual “Student–Teacher Felicitation Day” on Tuesday, 5 September, at the Community Center in Sector 50. That day was special for Sunshine Society as it celebrated completion of 10 years. Holding the post of Secretary, Archana Chaturvedi thanked Mul Chand Gupta (president RWA 50) for being generous in providing rooms at the center to hold classes. Vinod Prakash Gupta, the back bone and the Executive member of Sunshine Society addressed the students and the teachers. He presented the “Anchal Puruskaar “ to our student Mahima Pal. Deepak Methi, member Sunshine Society and one of our major sponsors, addressed the students on the importance of earning for themselves and becoming self reliant. On the occasion present were Archana Chaturvedi, Meena, J.L. Kapur, Mahender sir, K.L. Arora sir, Sunil, Vaishali, Sujata Tripathi, Nirupma, Rijita, Sunita Jain; and many other members and very esteemed senior citizens who have been associated with Sunshine Society and teaching at their study centers.
