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String Of Cars On Open Gate 6, And Empty Road On Gate 4, Both Being 18 M Roads
Sector 30, 31 & 36

String Of Cars On Open Gate 6, And Empty Road On Gate 4, Both Being 18 M Roads

Our sector is fortunate to have 18 meter roads from 3 sides ( fourth side occupied by PGI hospital & DPS) connecting to the 18meter road ring inside. Since there a couple of
commercial units and also because of office going rush during morning and evening peak hours, there is a lot of vehicular traffic in the sector. The residents had made a collective request and the RWA president was considerate to open the closed gate number 4 for a few hours. The guard at gate 4 noted vehicle numbers and reported 120-200+ passing through this gate daily.

This helped reduce the traffic flow and jams at gate 6 and thereby reducing emissions and noise concentration at one spot.. It also made walking to Mother Dairy and temple etc by seniors, some in 80s, women and wheel chaired residents safer.

In few months came COVID and gate 4 was closed again as traffic eased.

With traffic back to pre COVID times and increasing each day , we appeal to the RWA to restore limited opening of gate number 4 as before.

Another factor is the density of people living and commuting near gate 6. Since Gate 4 road has mostly large plots, 450 Sq m whereas gate 6 has smaller -even 112 Sq m near it . Consequently the density is higher.

Restoring gate 4 opening for a limited time will be an inclusive, equitable approach and will promote community feeling and better bonding and deliver better life quality as per article 21 of the constitution.
