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SRWA Taking Initiatives To Control The Stray Situation In Sun City
Sun City

SRWA Taking Initiatives To Control The Stray Situation In Sun City

There have been multiple incidents in the colony regarding dog bites or strays chasing or scaring residents. Due to Cold weather, the aggression in stray dogs was seen to rise but only in 2% of dogs.

When it comes to the issues related to stray dogs, cats and monkeys, we are helpless as there is no good solution suggested by the authorities. So we started thinking what best can be done practically and on ground rather than writing emails and getting no sensible response.

Sterlisation of Dogs/Cats: 99.9% dogs are sterilised in Suncity. As it’s a non-gated community living, the new stray dogs enter from the open spaces around. So we can say 99% Sterilisation is completed in Suncity as far as stray dogs are concerned. For cats too if it’s a stray, we support in Sterilisation as this is another stray population issue which we can foresee. So we do sterilise cats and trying to control the population of both dogs and cats. This is legal and so we are on it. We are not dependent of MCG contractor for Sterilisation as we do not trust them at all.

Feeding Points: as it’s a requirement from MCG, we have created feeding points so that feeding is done in these spots only. The food / water plus Sterilisation helps in reducing aggression. In the mating season or very hot weather or very

Dog Caring Volunteers: The dog caring volunteers take care of medication (for diseases and aggression) and surgeries, food supplies and other expenses. We are thankful to them for their support for the strays.

We cannot displace stray dogs from their territories. Displacing them is illegal and FIR can be imposed on RWA’s.

As per law, the dogs that show aggressive behaviour can be taken by MCG for a period of a week or so for the observation only. If they feel that dog is non aggressive then send the dog back to his territory otherwise keep him for an extended period till they feel he is safe to be sent back.

The stray issue will get resolved only with time as we keep all strays sterilised and we expect the resident to collectively tackle this situation.
