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Spring Time Picnic
Panchshila Park

Spring Time Picnic

As the vibrant hues of spring paint the landscape, ladies’ picnic of PLWA on Fuji Farm, became an idyllic escape for the women to retreat to the tranquility of the farm creating memories of laughter and joy of a spring day. The Panchshila Ladies Welfare Association organizes a picnic every year on the farm where the air is fresher, lush green lawns blossoming flowers and a Shiva statue creates an enchanting backdrop for the springtime picnic. The Committee organized delectable food and tantalizing the taste buds like chatpata chaat, Bedmi aloo, Cheela and tea/coffee to soothe wintry chill. Fresh salad from the farm straight to the tables mirrored season’s freshness. Games of “TAMBOLA” added to the fun and warm camaraderie which will become a cherished chapter in the book of memories. The picnic was not only a sensory delight but a stunning visual affair.

The PLWA had organized multi- colored umbrellas to provide respite from the warm sun. The sunny weather was a respite from the harsh winter, the ladies came out in large numbers dressed in flowy, breezy outfits in hats and sunglasses. The farm’s landscape, dotted with vibrant hues, provided the perfect setting for the women to unwind and soak in the beauty of the season. Thank you PLWA for organizing a fun filled event where we relaxed and basked in the sun amidst the green expanse.
