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Speed Breakers – Boon or Bane
Greater Kailash 1

Speed Breakers – Boon or Bane

Several theories abound in this regard. Various judgements of several courts have banned the use of ill designed speed breakers. It has also been established that majority of the accidents happen in India due to the carelessness of drivers and rash driving. Two wheelers are the major culprits. Jay walking pedestrians, street dogs, ill designed roads and culverts all add to the woos of common man.

Falling to sleep on the wheels and drunken driving, all add to the fatalities in road accidents.

However, the RWA’s of GK constituency were fed up with the increasing menace of rash driving inside the inner lanes of the colony. Traffic Police was of no help as their mandate is to regulate the traffic on main roads. Several appeals to residents to drive carefully, always fell on deaf ears.

Fed up with the menace, many RWA’s approached the area MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj to sanction the installation of reflective type, well designed speed breakers. Around 150 speed breakers have been installed all over the GK constituency thru the funds of MLA.

S Block got five speed breakers to begin with. These have been installed at the most dangerous/accident prone areas near Gate 1, Gate 2, S4,S 54 & S 68.

Hope the road users get some relief. Even if a few accidents are avoided due to these, it will be value for money.
