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Sparking A Love for Yoga Among Nirvana Kids
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Sparking A Love for Yoga Among Nirvana Kids

The most common question I am asked is – Is Yoga suitable for children??

Common perception – Yoga is meant for later life, for the old and elderly. The Truth – The Best age to introduce our children to Yoga is between 6 – 8 yrs.

In India as per the Vedic tradition, children were traditionally introduced to the practice of yoga at the age of eight, nine or ten. They were taught Surya Namaskara, Nadi Shodhana pranayama and Gayatri Mantra.

In Nirvana, a group  of Nirvana kids are learning yoga with Monica Badhwar (Resident of Birch Court) who is a RYT 500 and IAYT certified Yoga Teacher. Yoga Techniques used for the children are completely different than those for Adults. Yoga games keep children excited while reinforcing what has been taught and they actually look forward to the sessions, as they are a lot of fun while familiarizing them with the science behind.

“Some fun games we play in my Yoga sessions are – The Wall Game, Magic carpet ride, Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Eensy weensy Spider, Krishna Says….. etc “ says Monica

A Birch Court parent on behalf of her 7-year-old daughter Jia said “My daughter had a fantastic time in the yoga group during her summer vacation last year. Monica made the sessions fun and engaging, sparking a genuine love for yoga in her. She now looks forward to practicing yoga daily. It was a delightful experience that not only keeps her active but also taught her mindfulness. I highly recommend Yoga for other children!”

As parents it is our duty to give the gift of Yoga to our children. The tools Yoga provides will empower our children to deal with anxiety, trauma and emotional issues as they move towards adulthood in a balanced way, helping them evolve into well rounded, balanced and happier adults.
