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Some Residents Are Using Blocks and Parks as Their Private Empires

This issue has been bothering many residents of South City 1 for a few years now. Residents in a few blocks have come together and improved security and infra-structure (roads, pavements, parks, streetlights etc.) inside the blocks. Contributions from residents of the block have done this. 

While this is an excellent example of a community coming together for creating a better living environment, it becomes counterproductive if the residents of the block view their contribution towards development as a licence to owning community spaces like streets and parks in the block. There have been a few altercations among residents about entry to a few blocks and parks. The most recent such incident was in the 3rd week of May in ‘F Block’ when a resident and her maid were not allowed by a guard to enter the block, for a walk with a pet. 

I would like to remind all residents about South City-1: 

1. South City 1 is a plotted colony, and all its public spaces (roads, footpaths and parks) are open to all residents. 2. Guards at a block gate can only record entry, and cannot refuse entry to anyone unless they fear mischief. 3. If the guards fear mischief from anyone they are supposed to inform their colleagues and the block representatives and seek further instructions. In short, Guards are only for ornamental and psychological reasons. They do not have any power to enforce law and orde. 4. Block residents must understand that we are not staying in a condominium and we are not even a gated colony as of now. The block residents have to follow the law of the land. 5. If any block has defined some rules related to pets or park timings, these should be printed on the notice board near all entries to the block and parks. 6. The rules defined by the block residents should not infringe on fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution of India.
