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Some Drunkards Broke the Locks/Gate No. 4
Greater Kailash 1, Popular Stories Home

Some Drunkards Broke the Locks/Gate No. 4

14h Jan, SBWS security guard Khan, while taking a round of the block lanes, noticed that gate number 4, near S 126 was wide open. All the gates in the block are locked at 11pm and opened only at 6 am. He alerted the other guards at gate no2, which is open round the clock as it is the main entrance to the block. It was noticed that someone had tried to break the lock and when failed to do so, the person hit the huge gate and with the impact, the chain broke. A nearby guard informed that he had heard a loud sound at around 1.30 am. Matter was reported to the Police station in the morning and an official complaint was lodged. CCTV‘s were searched by the beat officers. A white car was seen at around 1.30 am hitting the gate. Registration number was not captured. A similar incident had happened last year too in Dec 21. Culprits are yet to be caught. Contributed by MK Gupta
