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Societies Need Guidelines For Maids & Food Delivery Boys Using Common Areas

Societies Need Guidelines For Maids & Food Delivery Boys Using Common Areas

On a pleasant and rather quite peaceful evening, I was out on a walk within the society and suddenly I hear a loud voice, talk on the phone ‘‘का हाल बा ??’’

‘‘बड़ी दिन से भेंट ना भईल ह!’’, the food delivery man was talking on the phone with his loud voice echoing through the condominium. Even though the conversation sounded interesting, it wasn’t something the top floor residents want to hear.

We commonly find maids in common areas, listening to music and binge watching YouTube videos without any headphone on highest possible volume.

Big food aggregator companies fail to train their personnel on how to maintain decorum while delivering. They do not park their vehicles in the prescribed area. Chew tobacco and spit on the roads, staircase area of the society.

There is a need for us to create some guidelines for our household help, visiting help and food delivery boys. We should try and educate them while entering the society premises, on what kind of behaviour is expected from them. It is a cause of concern that should be taken care of on priority and proper guidelines to be laid down.

This will not only improve the environment within the complex but also help us maintain some decorum.
