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Sneh Lata Gandhi Takes Over Hitaishee Foundation
New Friends Colony

Sneh Lata Gandhi Takes Over Hitaishee Foundation

Celebrates Children’s Day

by Sangeeta Jindal 

The Hitaishee Foundation, operating out of 102-B basement, Bharat Nagar, New Friends Colony, is working towards the upliftment of the society. This organisation was formed in the year 2012, by Mr Harsh Tandon. It was started with a noble intent but was unable to grow, due to lack of time and commitment.

In 2022 a decade later, Mr Harsh approached Sneh Lata Gandhi to take over the administration and working of the organisation. Mrs Gandhi, who has a past experience of working with the DCWA, accepted the offer and joined as a trustee and president of the Hitaishee foundation. One can say the foundation was in an incubator for a decade.

Finally, when it saw daylight, on the 14 Nov 2022, a children’s day dance competition was organised followed by a mehandi competition on the 21 Nov. It was a delight to see the children display their talents, with a lot of enthusiasm.

An online art and handicrafts competition is also being held. Online forms will be issued, the last day of submission are 31 st December. Prizes for the first three winners will be awarded with cash and a certificate. All participants will be given a certificate.

Samvada wishes the Hitaishee foundation the very best on its journey upward.
