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SLRWA’s Endeavour to Salvage the Worsening Situation in Sushant Lok C block
Sushant Lok 1

SLRWA’s Endeavour to Salvage the Worsening Situation in Sushant Lok C block

The SLRWA’s mass protest on 16 July 2023 by chakka-jam on the road diagonally opposite to HUDA Metro Station did not seem to work efficiently as even after that they had a meeting with B.K. Kumar, Executive Engineer, MCG and his team met on 17 August, at the Community Centre, C block, Sushant Lok I, to discuss their grievances after the protest. 

Though the MCG authority had committed the dates and timelines for completing long pending work it was observed by the SLRWA that except for some sewage cleaning in a few areas all major problems were at stand still. Hence the SLRWA decided to meet the MCG commissioner and the Executive Engineer on 8th of August 26, 2023, to push the matter further, for which they encouraged the residents to join in at the Community Centre at 11 am. 

SLRWA’s efforts are laudable as they are trying to push the matter and trying to get things done for the C-Bock residents. Kudos to them for their efforts!
