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Slim Homes Sprouts a Stall

Slim Homes Sprouts a Stall

Some things are envisaged, planned and executed on the spur of the moment adding to the excitement and pumping the adrenaline. That is exactly how it happened with the setting up of a stall of the Slim Homes inventory at Zemya farms on Saturday the 18 Jan. Following the advice of Dr Naju Seth (D-58), also a Member of the Slim Homes Team, I carried an assortment of items including cushion covers, books, crockery, photos as well as cloth bags suited for grocery shopping. It was a very fruitful outing since I got to having interesting conversations, sold some of the inventory as well as the concept of Slim Homes, and got in a good amount of the Sunshine Vitamin under a glorious Sun and clear blue skies. Needless to say, our lungs also got a reprieve from the heavily polluted air of the city.
