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Silver Oaks Summer Camp: Fun, Free, And Fantastic!

Silver Oaks Summer Camp: Fun, Free, And Fantastic!

Every summer, parents dread to hear that infamous “I am bored” chant from their kids, and seek engaging activities for them, aiming to keep them busy while learning new skills. This year, Silver Oaks residents stepped up and hosted their own summer workshop series for young kids, and you know the best part? It was completely free! Yes, you read that right – free… All thanks to the wonderful supermoms of Silver Oaks who volunteered their time, and talents, and offered a variety of workshops ranging from storytelling, crafts, Zumba, plantation drive, and more.

The storytelling sessions were held in the Silver Oaks library to give children a taste of narrative magic and instill in them a love for reading. These were followed by lively games that had them laughing and running around. Horticulture activities were carefully scheduled in the cool of early mornings to beat the summer heat. The kids enthusiastically took to sowing seeds, and nurturing plants, and happily got their hands dirty playing in the mud. During the craft workshops, the kids learned to create some amazing things – making photo frames, painting pots, weaving yarn baskets, and more. They also celebrated World Environment Day (5 Jun) by creating innovative items from waste materials available at home. For Father’s Day (16 Jun), they crafted heartfelt bottle souvenirs featuring photos of their dads, resulting in a few happy tears and proud smiles on their father’s faces. During these many workshops, the kids not only had fun but also learned and picked up some valuable skills along the way.

Despite the great summer migration of kids traveling near and far during this school break, these workshops saw an overwhelming turnout. The kids had a blast, the parents got some break, and the workshops were a big hit. This maiden attempt at organising a summer camp at Silver Oaks proved to be a great success with fantastic support from the resident volunteers and the enthusiastic participation from many kids. It was a perfect example of community spirit and creativity coming together to create an unforgettable summer experience for the little ones. Here’s hoping this wonderful initiative can continues in the future!
