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Showcasing Hot Youngistaani Couples
Sector 104 Noida

Showcasing Hot Youngistaani Couples

The moods of 12 couples of AOH (हर किसी का, अलग ही है, अपना अन्दाज) were captured by the lens of the Youngistaanis. With their youthful positive spirits and energy, they want to live life king size, defying all odds of the legacy of 150 years of their combined average age.

The couples showcase that the golden period of life should be enjoyed thoroughly, without inhibitions and devoid of the thought ‘लोग क्या कहेंगे’. They show the path to youngsters, that age is no bar for enjoying life.

My readers will agree that it is easy to select the most romantic hot couple out of the lot, but me being the sole judge, after excluding self and Alka, it was difficult to select one out of 11, as each one is ugys is ngyk]  with their mesmerizing charm and exclusive elegance.

So, the Oscar goes to all 12 of us! May we all maintain our youth in coming years!!
