A recent unfortunate case of a young adult’s untimely and unnatural death had filled parents with an unhealthy level of concern and anxiety which prompted me to discuss with another concerned resident, Yogendra Srivastava and plan out two sessions: the first one for the kids on Sunday, 2 July and the second one for parents on the following Sunday, 9 July.
As long as children lead protected lives in the parents’ care, there are fewer tantrums which are also for very minor reasons such as buying a toy or having more chocolates than are healthy for them.
Still our precious darlings are not too exposed to the world and are mostly ‘in our control’!
However, children need extra attention when exposed to a range of influences, both good and bad. They start feeling that their friends and neighbours have better things, clothes and great vacations, and that their friends are wiser than their outdated, old-fashioned parents.
This results in confusion in their young minds and, if this confusion is not addressed, it can lead all sorts of issues such as: low self-worth, peer pressure, isolation, loss of confidence.
The first session held on July 2 was devoted solely to our young adults where they poured out their hearts and shared the dilemma, they find themselves in, unsure whether to listen to their friends or go by the advice of their parents!
After the session, the attendees had more clarity about who is their true well-wisher and how to deal with peer pressure.
The session for parents was conducted on the following Sunday, July 9 where parents shared the issues that they faced in bringing up their kids. Through role plays that were planned keeping the most pertinent issues in mind, the parents, divided into four groups, shared how they tackle those supposedly problematic situations.
Some common issues that were taken up were: children’s addiction to mobiles and online games, demanding expensive phones and clothes because some of their friends flaunt them, night outs and fussy eating, mostly demand for unhealthy junk food.
Some solutions were discussed, and the parents were given a few tips which they would customise to suit their family needs.
Parents find themselves in a dilemma these days: whether they should be firm with their kids when unrealistic demands are made, or they should bend backwards to comply with their never-ending demands in the fear that their kids may take any drastic step that would leave them devastated for life!
The session that was planned for one and a quarter hour, went on for over two and a half hours.
However, what was most heartening testimony was the relaxed look on the parents’ faces as if a great burden had been lifted off their shoulders.
Some responses of the attendee parents:
“I am highly impressed by the way Gita ma’am conducted the Workshop for parents and I am sure each one of us has gained some learnings. Let’s all join together to give back to the society in whichever form that we can.” Anurupa Singh T12a/ 2102
“I attended the mind coaching session on parental guidance with Mind Coach Gita Nath Ji, in Lotus Boulevard. The session was full of insights about how we should manage our kids and their emotions. The session in particular focused on the excessive usage of technology, gadgets and kids’ food habits. The session was very helpful. I thank Gita ji for giving us her valuable inputs, precious time and energy.” Parul Kapur T 14/ 703
“I attended Gita Ma’am’s session for parents. It was an amazing experience a true eye-opener! Thanks to Gita Ma’am for selflessly planning these two sessions for children and parents and for her precious time and knowledge on issues that bother us parents! She is an excellent Mind Coach, and I would love to attend more sessions in future.” Jyoti Bhatnagar T10/1903
“Thank you, Gita Ma’am for wonderful session! It was really helpful for kids and parents as well. You made us understand how important it is for parents to communicate freely with our children in such a simple manner through role plays! You helped us to understand how to tackle the problems of mobile, online games and social media influences of kids! Thank you so much ma’am for initiating and conducting such a great and valuable session for us on issues that are making parents spend sleepless nights!” Parul Sharma T4/403

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