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Gulmohar Park

Seniors Enjoy Housie

GJCSCF held its monthly meeting for the month of April on 28th April 2024 at Gulmohar Centre TT Hall 5.00PM onwards. Mr Y Sahay, the President of the forum welcomed all the members, congratulated and wished  them happy Hindu New year, Beehu, Vaishakhi, Cheiti, Gudi-padva etc. Record number of members attended the meeting. It shows that the bond of friendship, comradeship we feel, and enthusiasm for attending monthly meetings  to meet people, interact and enjoy happy moments, is increasing among members.

Mr Y Sahay announced the names of April born members and wished them a very happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead. And after that Mrs Madhu Bhandari conducted two rounds of housei. The tickets were complimentary from management. Rules of game were decided  and explained. Mr Rajeev Bhalla, Mr Suman Sahgal, Mr Bhan, Mrs Nirupama Verma, Mr Lalit Sharma, Mr Naresh Bhandari, Mr R C Gupta were lucky winners. Prizes were given to all the winners at the end of the game.

Mr.K M Azad presented birthday gifts to all members  born in the month of  April. That was followed by cutting of cake  and birthday celebrations. Afterward all members enjoyed hot delicious mouthwatering Idli sambar and chatni and gup shup during tea.
