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Senior Citizens Of Malibu Towne
Malibu Towne

Senior Citizens Of Malibu Towne

Senior citizens of Malibu Town are a wonderful set of people. Regardless of status, bsckground, age and different educational background they adopt a common denominator and enjoy walks and gossip sessions together as friends.

Furnished gazebos have been provided in Pine Drive and other parks to enable interaction.

The elderly ladies can be heard singing bhajans with rhythmic clapping as an accompaniment. It is a planned entertainment cum musical devotion to traditional deities. In this practice they prefer a ladies only conclave.

Elderly gentleman are by and large of helpful nature valuing affection over perfection. A few pictures are shown.

The topics of discussion range from prices of plots and floors to journey of life and;  remarkably, to the lesser known ultimate destination!  Briefly from the mundane to essentially spiritual. The point to note is they don’t show disrespect to each other whether they don’t understand the theme or are not interested.

Feeling of goodwill towards fellow residents is apparent among the elderly. I wish the seniors good health and cheer in the New Year.
