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Senior Citizens’ Forum celebrate International Day of Older Persons
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Senior Citizens’ Forum celebrate International Day of Older Persons

The United Nations realized in the year 1990 that senior citizens, who contribute a lot to guide the general population because of their wide experience and knowledge, need appropriate care. It felt that proper care of seniors was lacking the world over. So on the 14th December 1990, the U.N. General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day of Older Persons. On 1st October 1991, it was celebrated the world over for the first time. The Forum for Welfare of Senior Citizens has been celebrating this day ever since 1995, when the Forum was founded. It is an occasion to educate the general public on issues of concern to mobilize public opinion and political will and resources to address global problems and reinforce achievements of humanity especially senior citizens.

The Senior Citizens’ Forum, this year, celebrated this day on the 2nd October, 2024 at the Auditorium of Balwant Rai Mehta Vidya Bhawan. Sh. Pradeep Jolly, Jt. Managing Director, Fena Private Ltd., was invited as the Chief Guest. At 11 A.M. he along with the office bearers of the Forum and Mrs. Jolly, lighted the lamp. Sh. Saurabh Bhardwaj, Cabinet Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, ACP and SHO, CR Park Police Station, were also present during the celebrations. Shri Bhardwaj said that after taking over charge of the Department of Social Welfare, he has inaugurated an old age home at Paschim Vihar and has asked the Department to properly examine the whole issue of financial grant for Senior Citizens’ recreation centers, so that financial help can be resumed early. Mrs. Sneh Gauba, President, welcomed the Chief Guest and VIPs. Sh. V.K. Malhotra, read out the message of the U.N. Secretary General.

The Forum had organized a programme of Rajasthani folk songs and dances by a professional group, which gave an opportunity to the Forum members to shake their legs and join in the dances. A total of 170 members of the Forum joined the celebrations. Madhu Sudan Tripathi, Shashi Kumar and Satish Aneja were the winners in the lucky draw. Those who came, enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. The function ended with singing of the National Anthem.
