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Senior Citizen Mr Bhalla Gets Caught In Water Logged Lane, Hospitalised
Sushant Lok 1

Senior Citizen Mr Bhalla Gets Caught In Water Logged Lane, Hospitalised

When I was young, a rain shower meant so much happiness, joy, and pleasure, playing on the road outside the house in water.

40 years down the line, a rain shower in Gurugram means water logging on the roads, sewer water overflowing and mixing with flowing rain water, electricity outages for hours, life on a standstill for the duration of rain shower persists.

Gurugram may be a millennium city but the water logging crisis has not been addressed at all since eternity. Do we blame the MCG?

We as citizens are paying hefty taxes and the land value of this ‘Gram’ ( village in Hindi!) is skyrocketing but the infrastructure is zilch!

Mr Bhalla, a senior citizen of A block came out to go for a walk on the 8th August and tripped in the rain water flowing outside his house with sewer water overflowing along. With absolutely no control, he was dragged along with the heavy water flow in our water logged lane. He would have gone far and fallen into a ditch! Fortunately, two children who were playing in the water noticed and pulled him out.  He was admitted to the hospital and struggled with water poisoning for two weeks in extreme ill health.

Did he deserve this? Just outside his house?  Are we safe in this city? The administration, RWA, and government who does one reach out to?

The problem with A-B block Sushant Lok is that there is no single strong RWA who can take this up with the Authorities and solve it (SLRWA is busy solving C block issues mostly), instead each lane has its own small RWA, and these welfare bodies unfortunately do not represent a large section of people and thus has no say anywhere.

After the incident, Anil Yadav and the MCG commissioner visited the site the next day with huge water suckers to take control of the situation for now.

We residents need to collectively address this together and take this to the concerned Authorities/CM window for some concrete solution.
