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Anand Niketan

Senior Citizen Dies All Alone In Hill View

Body discovered after 7 days

This article of mine should be read by all especially the senior citizens. One of our senior residents who lived all alone in Hill View, she did not interact with her neighbor or with others in her lane. She came down from her second floor flat once a day to walk to the khokha in the colony. Then we felt some strong smell on the road. My staff came and told me about the smell but I put it down to some dead dog or cat around. Then the garbage lady came day before yesterday to tell me that a foul smell was coming from this second floor flat and no one was opening the door. Immediately called ‘100’ no and when they broke opened the door, they found the lady who lived alone was dead in the bathroom. She had been dead for seven to ten days and no one knew about it.

She had not hired any cleaning ladies. So no one came to her house. This is a very sad way to die and would request all seniors to please make sure that someone. At least calls you 2 or 3 times a day.

by Ruma Sikka (9810387873)
