by Meena Wanchu
The security is again jeopardized in C block Sushant Lok! This month particularly we have found so many cases of theft being reported by number of residents, of course without a solution! On the 14th of October, we were informed that a major theft had taken place at Sudha Tiwari’s house, complete house was burgled and the dog was heavily sedated, in the broad daylight, as she was out to run some errands. Needless to say it was shocking for most residents as many senior citizen live alone in the colony. They all were wondering with CCTVs, security measures taken and so many guards deployed on duty, how was it carried out?
Whereas Sudha when contacted was, traumatized, must have been wondering, it was good that she left or bad she was not there…FIR was filed as was all others, Police would do what they can, and the rest is chaos!
On 23rd of October, Mr. Harindra Nagpal shared the CCTV footage of the night where a lady is shown taking away the railing of the park opposite from C- 2220 to C- 2226! There is angst among residents as many are complaining why so? Mr. Pradeep is of the opinion if SLRWA announces with much fanfare about patrolling of the guards, sharing their details and phone numbers then is that an eyewash? Ms. Anandi says, SLRWA’s charging for security is a laughing matter.
The matter was still in the conversation when on the night of 24th of October, CCTV caught the thief again, stealing this time from the Chiranjiv Park, from the house numbers C- 2200 to C -2250! All the security and all the kinsmen could not do anything again! The comic relief came when the thieves struck again on the night of 26th of October, where the SLRWA security head stays 10 meters away! Mr. Gupta opines the thieves have become so brazen that they steal water motor, iron grill, sewer covers, cycle, motor cycle, car tyres, laptop, inverter battery and what not right under the shining sun!
Mr. Ashok Nagpaul says when he was the vice president of the SLRWA, a few years back, then also the thefts took place but were not circulated so, his own motor and sewer cover were stolen but now because of the social media things are highlighted immediately. He blames commercialization and incessant construction for the same and suggests to push for more security from the Police along with the SLRWA security to maintain order in the C block.
On 27th of the October Mr. Verma elaborated in an open letter that they have made a special committee to evaluate a security plan for the residents of the colony in which entire C block is divided into three parts, of which pilot plan is ready for part B and soon they will have a meeting with the residents to finalize the details. It was a relief in the time of need. Mr. Anil Kumar Sharma gave a few suggestions for the safety of the colony- limiting the numbers of authorized vendors with photo/I cards and strictly restricting their movements to Saturdays and Sundays between 9 AM to 1 PM only, restricting the number of only authorized persons staying at construction sites at night, securing the green belt particularly from Unitech Trade Centre to Vyapar Kendra so that there is no entry/exit point through it to the block, strict checking at the gates, regular patrolling by riders day and night, might bring some solace to the residents.
On 1st of November, Sharad Bahl sent a Theft Alert as someone had entered his house, C-1607 through the main gate at 2.30 AM Sunday night and tried to steal the property around, someone dressed in a black hoodie came from C-1608 side, commits the crime and goes back to the same side. Soon after on the 2nd of Nov. someone stole the old grills of Sushant Vatika Park in the morning, those who were present there, thought perhaps they were from MCG but later when they contacted the officials, they confirmed that they were not from the department.
Every day there is a new method of stealing noticed, the latest being a group going door to door pretending to be home affairs officers as they carry all the documents from the department. They all look presentable, take your photo/ thumb impression under ‘Ayushman Bharat’ scheme, they have a laptop, a biometric machine and list of all the names. The residents are being warned that they are fake and not to provide any details to them. Unless some idea works or security measures become effective, it is mayhem in the state of Sushant Lok folks!

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