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Sector Residents Beware!
Sector 26 Noida

Sector Residents Beware!

Warning for those with empty houses or plots next to them

A worrying trend has emerged in our sector, with incidents reported in both C 190 and C 200 over the past few weeks. A man, appearing decently dressed and polite, has been approaching homes in the afternoons under the guise of needing water. With the current heat wave, kind-hearted residents have not hesitated to provide him with a drink.

However, after quenching his thirst, the man claims have purchased the vacant plot next to the homes he visits. He extends an invitation to the homeowners for a lunch party the following day, a gesture that appears friendly and neighborly. Up to this point, everything seems perfectly normal.

Then, the situation takes a suspicious turn. The man makes a phone call, during which he mentions being short of money and needing to borrow some from his “new neighbors.” He then asks the residents for money, promising to repay them at the lunch party the next day.

Fortunately, no one has fallen for this ruse so far. However, these incidents highlight a significant security concern within our sector. The fact that such individuals can roam freely in broad daylight and attempt to deceive residents is alarming.

The increasing commercial activities in our sector, particularly due to two big banes, I Care and Apollo areas, have contributed to this lapse of security. As residents, it is crucial to remain vigilant and cautious.
