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Sector 40 & 41 Noida

Sector 41 Residents, Beware…

Recently, we nearly got conned by a fraudulent company that has all our details like name, telephone number& address.

My husband got a call from a delivery guy saying that he is arriving with a package which was puzzling as he hadn’t ordered anything. On enquiring my husband was informed that it was an order from Nagpur being delivered by a well known courier service and to keep rs 400/- ready.

Soon enough he was at our gate and he handed over a very light package to my husband, through the gate grill, however the name and details were accurate. It was all very confusing so we refused to hand over any money till we hadn’t checked the contents, so we brought the package inside to open and check. It contained two mini golf club shaped plastic spoons!

The package was returned to the very agitated and angry delivery man. Later,  at night we received a phone call with a recorded message asking to press 1 for re delivery of order or 2 for cancellation. Luckily, we did neither, then we checked the number on true caller and it showed up as spam/ fraud business account. So we blocked the number. This prompted us to check our camera recording and to our horror it showed the angry delivery man trying to open our gate  3 times ! Luckily we keep it locked from the inside but he put his hand through the gate grill and pulled at the lock in an attempt to open it! One can only imagine what his intentions were if he had gained entry to the house. Further, he took a photograph of our house number. Next morning we received another call from another spam number, which we blocked too.

It is obvious that these conmen are getting our details by hacking online delivery companies. It is imperative to cross check with all family members whether an order has been placed by them before taking delivery and engage with the delivery people through locked gates/ doors .Be safe and vigilant at all times! Please warn the elderly, children and house- help.
