Sector 40 which was once considered as one of the prime sectors of Noida City is now bearing the look of a village. With continuous increase in number of reli-gious places, schools and
institutions, the sector is now infested with various problems like influx of people from outside visiting Mandirs, doing petty jobs in unauthorised shops opened in garages and flats running business like eateries, mobile repairing , tailoring, AC and TV repairing by hiring people with unverified character & antecedents. This is posing a grave security risk for the residents of the sector and also for F block residents. Recently there has been robbery in few Janta flats in a row causing big loss to the house owners.
The sector is surrounded by many villages from which people come here to work as maids, drivers, helpers in shops and as security guards. There are mandirs which are visited by the devotees from nearby places making the sector crowded the whole day. The unbridled influx of people gives a chance to anti-social elements to sneak into the sector and commit chain snatching, eve teasing and thefts. The parks of sector are also used by drug addicts and anti-social elements. The residents don’t feel safe while going out for shopping or visiting mandirs. Small children need to be escorted even while going to parks for playing.
RWA sector 40 has tried it level best to reduce these problems, but all their attempts meet with big challenges like closing of the sector gate N0 10 which is the main gateway for influx of outsiders for various reasons. Many of the outsiders have also made this sector as a short cut route for going toward Shashi Chowk and other places. This avoidable traffic movement in the sector creates noise and air pollution. Around 60 buses of Khaitan School make three to four rounds from morning till evening from the main gate No.2 of the sector and virtually jam it causing inconvenience to the residents. It is almost a decade now since RWA has been requesting the school administration to stop plying their buses in the sector but all in vain. Even the orders issued by DM Gautam Budh Nagar in the year 2018 directing the school to stop plying their buses in the sector have not been complied with by the school administration till date.
There are few remedial steps which can possibly reduce this mess. RWA should approach Noida Authority for building a boundary wall around the sector which will provide not only security to the residents living on the outskirts of the sector but will also aid in closure of gate No 10. RWA should issue identity cards to the maids, drivers and those doing jobs in the shops. Mandir committees should manage the vehicular traffic in front of Mandirs and avoid crowding and jams which cause lot of inconvenience to the residents. If possible, mandirs should distribute daily free food at gates No 8 &10 of the sector so that the crowd near the mandirs could be avoided. Mandirs should engage sufficient number of security guards to manage the traffic and sweepers to keep the surroundings of the mandirs neat and clean and place big garbage bins to avoid littering by people in public places. RWA should stop vehicles at sector gates carrying people to mandirs and markets and let them walk down the small distance to reach the mandirs and markets. This will reduce rickshaw and auto traffic in the sector.
Last but not the least, a better security system with capable guards who can deal with outsiders more effectively is the need of the hour. RWA should stop deployment of agency guards who do not show any allegiance to the RWA. It is a sheer wastage of money on them. Appointment of own guards by RWA is not only a transparent system but also the guards get their dues in time and make them feel more secured from job point of view. This will also bring in a sense of belongingness and responsibility in the guards leading to better performance of their duty. I am sure with the above; we can expect a better environment, peace and tranquility in the sector.
by Mohinder Singh (B 24/40, 9810069872)
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