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Sector 30 Is a Prosperous Sector and The Residents Can Get Together To Help This Poor Man
Sector 30, 31 & 36

Sector 30 Is a Prosperous Sector and The Residents Can Get Together To Help This Poor Man

He is a common sight in Sector 30 – an elderly man walking with a limp and pushing a cycle cart. Two young children, Zarin aged 11 and Kashinath aged 8 years, help him as he collects plastic waste and empty cartons; mostly around Kirtiman Plaza. Often, after a festival at the Sector mandir he collects the used garlands and plates that are used for the Prasad. 

Kamaluddin, tells me that the residents often call him to remove building malba and horticultural waste from their pavement. His wife died of leaukimea during COVID and now the children trail behind him as they feel unsafe and alone at their room in Nithari. Being handicapped, he just about manages to keep them fed and sheltered.

In our Sector most domestic help have started sending their children to school, rudimentary and sometimes very basic. These children on the street stand out and need our help. Kamaluddin’s plea is for help to send his two children to school and get them off the street where they are open to anti social elements. Like all parents, he wants his children to have an education that enables them to get a better job than he has. Sector 30 is a prosperous Sector and the residents can get together to help this poor man. Charity begins at home and this family is in dire need of help. Among us can someone help in getting these children into a school and then mentoring them. I believe that they were in a school before the mother died but now on a single salary he can’t manage their schooling. 

Sector 30, let’s take this on as a common cause and help in keeping these children off the street. A plea for people who are associated with charitable organisations and others to step forward and get in touch. 

by Ninnee Varma (C-25, Sec 30; 9899671813)
